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What is Macro-Level Emotional and Financial Intelligence and Why Does It Matter?

What are my views on the underlying systems that run our society? What even are those systems? I think most of us would agree that the financial system, or monetary system, is the most prevalent. It is the root cause of potentially, every single problem that exists today. On the micro level, finances is one of the most common causes of arguments between couples, on the macro level, it causes a lot of arguments too - who should and shouldn't be taxed, who pays for what, why are we paying for that but not that and so on it goes.

But the financial system isn't the only problem. How do we explain why those with $bns would want that sort of wealth, whilst having the knowledge that there are millions of people living in poverty - 700 million according to the World Bank who class 'extreme poverty' as people who live on less than $2.15 per day, not even enough to cover a loaf of bread. I'd consider extreme poverty as having more than that to live and how do you even decide? Especially if you're a fat cat siting in the world bank deciding these things? How do we explain that it is often those who have less who are often the most generous? This is where I believe Emotional Intelligence has a part to play.

I'm not overly interested in the EQ/EI of individuals who have billions. Ok maybe I am a bit. However, I am far more intrigued by the effects of Emotional and Financial Intelligence and how they affect lives, communities, and entire nations on the macro-level scale.

As I am lucky to live in my native homeland of Scotland, which appears to be somewhat of a luxury given the ongoing deliberate displacement of people from their own homelands, I am naturally drawn to the Financial and Emotional Intelligence of my own country. Which happens to be a colonised, financially abused nation.

Why is our financial system so messed up? You know it is. I know it is. How does the current financial system rob us of our time and freedom? How can I say with a fair level of confidence that our financial system is akin to being in a toxic, controlling, manipulative relationship with an abusive partner?

And how can Emotional Intelligence be applied at the macro level to help weave safety and security into the fabric of each and everyone's lives? What are the values and morals that underpin how we live and work together? Into the education of our children? Into the legal system? The monetary system? How we do business? How we build our towns and cities? Our economy? How we govern? How we relate to each other? What can we learn from the principles of Emotional Intelligence, a must have skill to navigate our personal lives, that can be translated and transferred into the tendrils of our nation?

Is it imperative to consider that Emotionally and Financially Intelligent systems are the beating heart of a peaceful and prosperous nation?

To peace and prosperity,

Jacqs x


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